What's the rating for in "Send feedback"?
What are we supposed to be rating in the feedback tool - the feature that we're submitting feedback on, or the overall experience? It's ambiguous what it's for form the wording, and there's no help for feedback.Thanks,Matt.
January 14th, 2009 11:46pm

Its so that you can rate your experience (in relation to Windows 7)with what ever it was that you were doing.
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January 14th, 2009 11:56pm

Thanks. Do you have an authoritative source for that?
January 15th, 2009 1:18am

WHenever you submit a bug report the rating is a measure of severity.
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January 15th, 2009 1:32am

ski2mi said: Thanks. Do you have an authoritative source for that?The form says to "rate your experience from 1 to 7 stars, 1 being the least satisfied."So yes I do have anauthoritative source for it.
January 15th, 2009 1:41am

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